One to one sessions with Chrys Fisher
My mission
is to honour and serve groups or individuals for their higher good, using a blend of therapies & psychological insight
The values I work with
Synergy | Integrity | Honesty | Empathy | Senstivity
Guiding you through a gradual shift for long term growth and lasting change
because once you decide to change your internal self and then the effects are felt in other and your environment
I’m often referred to as a healer by my clients, which is weird word for me, however this is how they choose to express the healinging of emotions, body and trauma by letting go of things that no longer serve their highest good.
I provide a place where they can come and do everything required to re-create themselves as a new person. Reprogramming the words they use in every day that directly affect their reality.
“The therapies I use create a gradual shift for long term growth and lasting change – when you begin to change your internal self the effects are felt in other and your environment.”
Often therapists focus on someones identity and who they are, I focus on what thoughts and feelings they are having. For example a client I had was Aneorexic and after many sessions and positive work over time she no longer suffered from this condition and said to me “we never once spoke about food in our sessions” this is because her emotion was about maintaining control and this is what we worked on. Food was the symptom and not the root cause.
The problem is not your identity
Thoughts, feeling, energy and emotions form a habit and that forms who you are
Working with EFT, Matrix Re-imprinting and Hypnotherapy is a process that works over time rather than an instant manifestation, however in general we can clear a traumatic event in one session and a phobia in two!
Some useful questions to think about when considering a session with me might be:
What do they want to work on?
Have you ever seen a therapist/cousellor
Problem issue situation from your point of view
How does it make you feel?
What makes it better?
What ifyou could have a magic wand what would you change
How would you describe your mood?
“At the beginning I was quite unnerved by the way Chyrs worked as I was a control freak and it was so alien.
It didn’t fit in with what I expected.
After working with Chrys, I can now see how the experiences in my childhood totally shaped my adult life.
One of my favourite parts was his intuition it opened me up to realise that we are all connected by more than what we can see.
I was able to heal my issues of abandonment and break my cycle of dating emotionally unavailable men. We worked on my feeling responsible for the world and constantly feeling like a failure and getting overwhelmed. Now I’m much happier and more relaxed, I really don’t remember the last time I felt overwhelmed by anything!
Chrys is an incredibly gifted healer. He has a broad spectrum of knowledge from the scientific - neuroscience all the way through to angels. He holds the space with absolutely no judgement or ego. He’s helped me to heal shame and guilt around my relationship with men. Being a man himself I had to completely trust him to be able to open up and I’m really glad he made that so easy.
Chrys is well loved within the EFTMR community, I don’t really hear anyone else being talked about so much!!! Everyone says how amazing he is as a healer and as a human being. ”